Friday, April 27, 2007

Thing #22

Almost done! This thing I have experience with. Unfortunately, I have an iPod, so I bought the cheapest mp3 player I could find that was compatible. And now I'll be getting another one! I'm not sure what to do about that. Well, even though I had used the eAudiobooks, I hadn't used NetLibrary, so I still needed to make an account and everything. That was easy enough, though. I looked up a few things I want to read/listen to eventually, but wasn't able to find some things. I'm not sure what determines whether or not the books are up there, but I'm surprised the Harry Potter books aren't up there. I'm sure I'll be able to find things, though. Right now I'm listening to Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events while I exercise or when I drive to school sometimes. It's really nice not needing to switch cds, and mp3 players keep where you left off for some time. Very convenient!

Thing #21

Well! I liked what I've found with this thing. I knew this kind of thing was out there, but this has forced me to go look. I found a few podcasts that seem to review books or discuss books. Very nice. I will definitely go home and add these things to my bloglines list. That kind of thing about books would be great.. And I like how a lot of these things are free! That's the best. I wouldn't want to make one myself, but I will certainly enjoy what other people do.