Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thing #15

In the article "Away from icebergs", the author mentions getting rid of the "just in case" collection. I'm not sure what he means by that exactly. All books? Or reference type books? If he meant reference type books, magazines, journals, and all that, I think I would be inclined to agree. When I do my research papers for college, I have been relying almost entirely upon the databases over print sources. When it comes to reading for pleasure, though, I want a book in my hand. I'm pretty sure there's technology out there for having books in some portable thing, but I don't have it, and I don't know if I would get it if there are books for free at the library where I don't need any technology. And I just like having actual books.

I liked all the second article was saying about librarians. Since I'm not a librarian yet, I don't really have the experience to disagree or not. But they all seem like good ideas. Especially about not latching onto anything that's new technology. New technology is definitely not always something very useful.

"To better bibliographic services" was a good article. I use those services a lot in college for my papers, and it is really frustrating sometimes trying to find what I want. It just overall sounds like some changes would simplify the databases a lot, and that would be very valuable to me.

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